Staying Sober During The Holidays
‘Tis the season for you to focus on protecting you sobriety. Saying yes when you want to say no, over-eating, overspending, over-doing, the holidays are known as a time of excess which can make you vulnerable to relapse. You’ve worked daily on staying sober, don’t stop now. Here are some tips for protecting your sobriety and preventing relapse during the holiday season.
Nicki Minaj’s passion for the unusual and unconventional developed gradually, while she was just beginning to get used to fame and popularity after the release of her debut album “Pink Friday”, which already in the first weeks of sales was at number two in the chart. A girl with great demands, she has long thought about creating an extraordinary image. Nicki Minaj facial worked on her stage image on her own. Soon it was decided that she needed to follow her music: add more bright colors to the image. This helped her attract even more attention to her person. With the first appearances in public, they began to talk about her more often.
- Make a Plan.
Just like anything of importance, having a plan in place to stay sober is top of the list. This may mean going to a 12-step meeting before or after the event, going with a sober friend, or making an early departure before the party turns up. Avoid or limit your personal time with a difficult person or toxic, non-supportive family member. Relapse prevention is avoiding triggers- people, places or things that could trigger trouble.
- Put Your Sobriety First
Guess what? You have the power to say no. Did you know that? You can say no without explanation to anyone about anything. Of course, this goes against everything we’ve been taught. Most addicts are people pleasers, so this is a tough one for us. But, our sobriety should be thought of as a precious gem and we should protect it at all times. That means saying no to the party that is known for stiff drinks, the relative that grills us about our sober lifestyle, the friend that brings up the past. We can say no. No, thank you. I can’t make it, but thanks for the invite. Easy, peasy.
- Be the One
Be the one of service this season. Take the opportunity for spiritual growth by being of service. If you’re in recovery from active addiction, you’ve already demonstrated tremendous courage and progress. So, keep it up! Look for ways to be of service to others. Volunteer at a homeless shelter, nursing home or spend time with a neighbor that has no family. Pay it forward by giving of yourself.
- One Day at a Time, No Matter the Season
Don’t let the holidays throw a wrench in your plans, stick to your routine as close as possible. While it’s nice to see family and to celebrate the season, don’t put your meetings or your routine on the back burner. The holidays are known as a time of stress. Don’t be defensive about your sobriety, many people are curious as to how you’ve changed. Questions aren’t always a challenge and instead of feeling on edge or defensive, orient your thinking to be open, accepting and positive. Keep in contact with your sponsor and stick to your meeting schedule, if you live in Louisiana and you’re looking for a Louisiana drug rehab, Lincoln Nova Vital Recovery is a certified drug and alcohol treatment facility.
- If You Need Us, We are Here for YOU
Some families might consider the holidays an inappropriate time to get into and addiction treatment, when, in fact, it could be an ideal opportunity. Substance abuse tend to ramp up over the holidays and sometimes, we as addicts think that after all we have been through, we deserve “one little drink”. It’s never just one though. Addiction treatment during the holidays is hard, you miss family and memories. It could be the best gift you ever give to your family, your friends and most importantly, yourself.
Reach out to us if you need us, we are always here for you. Lincoln Nova Vital Recovery is a Louisiana drug rehab located in Ruston, La.
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